Making the most of scenario-based training.

By Craig Cable, Director of Ministry Safety and Strategic Partnerships

I’m going to make a bold statement, and it may ruffle some feathers. About half of the churches I encounter are committed to regular training for their safety team. And about half of those churches regularly incorporate live scenario training into their training program. Here’s the rub: most of the scenario training that I see people lead is moderately effective, or worse, it’s completely ineffective and confidence eroding.

If you’re not regularly incorporating scenario-based training, I strongly encourage you to start. If you are leading scenario-based training for your team, I hope you’re always striving to make that training as productive as possible. Here are some ideas for how to do just that.

When it comes to successful scenario-based training, I think one of the biggest mistakes made is that the facilitator didn’t establish in their mind upfront what success looks like. Often the desired outcomes are too complex or have too many variables to be successful. This leaves everyone involved frustrated and there is no benefit gained from the experience.

Another tendency I see is that success is a moving target. We want to challenge participants to think and problem-solve under stress. However, if the goalpost keeps moving away and the participant fails at every turn, they’ll tend to lose confidence in their ability to make good decisions. They get stuck in the options and can’t see a clear path forward.

Something else I see in training is the fear of failure. The training experience should be a safe place to learn, grow, and even fail. Failing in training is to be expected and embraced. That’s how people learn. Some things they try may work, and some things may not work. Feedback should be free from public ridicule and shaming. If challenges are encountered, it’s perfectly acceptable to say to the individual, “What are other options should we consider to have a different outcome?” Invite them to discover better ways to do something. That’s far more productive than, “What in the world were you thinking?” This causes people to shut down and/or second-guess themselves.

To help make your training more productive, I recommend having these objectives in mind upfront.

  • Are they able to remain calm and think clearly?
  • Are they able to make critical decisions under stress?
  • Are they able to assess and respond to changing priorities?
  • Are they able to communicate critical information to others?
  • Are they able to articulate why they made the decisions they did?

If your team members can achieve these training objectives, I would consider that a very successful training. The bar to reach isn’t perfection but it’s being able to make good decisions in a dynamic and rapidly-evolving situation.  I believe there is a direct correlation between someone’s confidence and their competence. Scenario-based training brings both of these traits together because the individual is learning how to respond while developing the self-confidence to respond. A better-trained, more experienced, and self-confident team member is not only good for the individual, but it’s essential for keeping the ministry safe.

To help encourage you to incorporate more scenarios in your training program, I have developed two separate scenarios that you can adapt however you see fit. Simply click on the links provided below to open the PDF file so you can save them on your computer.

1. Active Shooter in the Lobby
2. Non-Custodial Parent Taking Child


In addition to his role with the American Church Group of Colorado, Craig Cable is a sworn peace officer and serves as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff for the patrol division at the Larimer County Sheriff's Office. He has trained hundreds of security team leaders and volunteers and was the lead developer of the Safe and Secure & Church: The Ministry Approach training kit produced in partnership with Group Publishing and Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company.  

 If you have further questions about protecting your ministry, please feel free to reach out to Craig at    

©2024 American Church Group of Colorado, LLC. All rights reserved. The information in this article is intended to help your ministry better understand issues of vulnerability and mitigate risks. It does not constitute legal advice between an attorney and a client. If specific legal advice is required, your ministry is encouraged to consult with a local attorney. Neither Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company, American Church of Colorado, LLC, nor the author assumes liability for reliance upon the information provided in this article.

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